I'm Long Luong

Welcome to my blog!

My name is LUONG Kim Long, from Vietnam. I teach finance at Ton Duc Thang University and work as a research assistant at HKUST. My research interests are Corporate Finance and Behavioral Finance.

On this blog, I'll share bite-sized, fun stuff about finance, coding, photography, music, and sports. Ready to dive into a mix of ideas and hobbies with me? Let's go!

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This blog costs me $0.00

This blog costs me $0.00

I’ve been coding toy projects since I was 12 years old. At that time, I was fascinated by the idea of a website, where I could write something and share it…

March 09, 2024
Showcase my blog

Showcase my blog

Today is 08 March 2024. It’s mid night and I’m still in my office at HKUST writing this first blog post. I’m so excited to share with you all the types of…

March 08, 2024
© 2024, By Long Luong